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Team Pink Hope

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Team Pink Hope


Dear Friends,

As you know, I’m closely involved with the preventative health hub “Pink Hope”. 

The life-saving mission of Pink Hope is to provide guidance and information to high-risk members of the community, while advocating, empowering, and supporting women and their families while they are at risk, suffering; or recovering from cancer.

This #motivatemay I will be committing to a full month of prioritising my health and well-being and I’d like you to join me! 

Just choose a one activity and stick to it for a month! Easy!

Follow my story and please share yours, encouraging others to join, using the #motivatemay tag if posting on social media :)  

Let’s get motivated together this May! 

Please support my efforts by making a secure online donation and by posting a message of support. Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly to Pink Hope Australia. 

Thanks so much for your support!

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    Pink Hope Community Limited

    Pink Hope is a preventative health hub that gives our community the tools to assess, manage and reduce their risk of breast and ovarian cancer, while also providing personalised support for at-risk women.

    We empower people to take charge of their own health by assessing, understanding, and reducing their risk of breast and ovarian cancer. And we offer support every step of the way.

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    is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s.

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